Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fine Print & Season For Reason.

Today has been so far a normal day, so far. At my trade school I have to present this project I've been working on with a group of people. There has been complications for this project, the print stops working, a kid can't get his photo's up-loaded to the computer, people just don't bother to come to school. I feel like this project is a total bust for me, I'm not sure I'm happy with the outcome in this project. This morning was quite interesting though, first class of the day was History, mainly just went into reviewing for the Regents (Final test, let's people know that you were taught to pass that test) then I moved on to English were I also reviewed for the Regents and this new test called the Common Core (Another test where it just doesn't really do anything for you). As I'm sitting here in class I wonder what my future will hold, I look up to notice that all the kids in class are screwing around because the Sub we have just left. Yeah the future looks fucked to me, better make it big I guess cause if you're up top you're pretty much safe. Life, what an odd thing to have haha. Tomorrow is going to be an easy day for me, i only have 1 class to go to and I'm pretty much free for the rest of the day. I need to hit the city life this weekend, maybe go to the lake and camp out with a few friends, have a bon-fire going and watch as the sun goes down. I need to take a week off and go down to NYC with a few people and just have some fun, life a little, even goof off here and there. I can't wait till this class is over! I'll be able to work on some more animation characters and maybe work on my photography here and there. I feel like slamming my face into the desk and just take a nap. Last night was a rough one, bare could get my eyes to stay closed for 30 minutes without freaking out and thinking I'm late to school, or my dreams shock me awake one after the other haha. At least I was able to function enough this morning to put my make up on with out it looking fucked up. Not to mention I had to dress real nice today in order to present my work in class, which it seems I'm the only one who seemed to try, well me and maybe 2 others. Is dressing classy just not a known thing anymore? I mean it's not always comfortable but it sure does beat looking like a bum everyday. Well it seems time that I go and try to do something worth doing haha.

Later Gators,

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