Thursday, May 15, 2014

Group Work & Butts

So today at my trade school we were given the task of creating a magazine cover, a business card, a poster, and a rack card for a local business. Well our art director was out due to medical reasons and we had a sub who put us into group of 4 by alphabetical order. It's towards the end of the school year and I really haven't interacted with the people in my class. If you were to walk into my class I would be the girl in the corner minding myself and not really being part of the gossip that so happens in my class. Let alone I and 1 of 3 girls in my class and the rest are high school boys. To come back to the story, I was grouped up with one of the other girls and 2 guys. Once we got done with our class meeting I raced to get back to my desk and start researching this company and looking at competitors designs (I was tasked with creating the business card). Through out the entire day no one both to talk to me, only to see how I was doing and if I was alright. Turn's out I was good and felt lonely though, people around me were talking and laughing but not things I was quite interested in. I'm not all about listening to songs about genitals and kitchen jokes and the fandom's of the cartoon network and such. I'm with the Game Of Thrones, MARVEL & DC comics, Supernatural, Castle even, and basically everything with Comedy Central.
Thankfully I looked up in time to see that the clock showed it was almost time to go. I saved my work, packed up and headed out the door to grab a good spot on the bus. On the way home I listened to my music and started to think about the conversation I had at lunch. During my lunch hour I always have the strangest but amazingly good conversations. This time we talked about guys not having nice butts, and we also watched a guy walk. About the butts, I think it would be nice to meet a guy with a great ass. Seriously if this guy is getting boobs and ass I at least what some butt action as well. Where I am living right now I have to say I haven't seen a guy with a booty yet. But I'm still looking, on the hunt to see if there is possibly a guy up here with a little bump for a rump. Then we saw this guy walk, so elegant and graceful like a swan. I was amazed and jealous because I can't walk so elegant like this guy can. I imagined myself walking up to him simply saying "How??" and he would look at me all majestic and fancy, just say "Skills". Then he would somehow just grow a pair of angel wings and ollie out on a golden skateboard with the sound of angels ~Ahh~ing at him. I'd master up a plan to become his friend later on, if friendship could ever be a possibility, then I would learn a trick of the trade and walk as majestically as this guy does, but with a ginger twist.
Time to snap back to the bus for it's my stop, as I get off the bus and enter my lovely home I wonder what tomorrow will hold for me. I just hope it will be a good Friday, and maybe I'll meet someone new and we can be rather odd together.

Later Gators,

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